New York Worried Celebrate 9 / 11 Attack Osama Followers

WASHINGTON - New York City despite being haunted by the terror attacks of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has killed U.S. troops (U.S.) in Pakistan Concerns rise as they approach 11, where the day's deadly attacks on World Trade Centre (WTC). "The killing Osama bin Laden is an early milestone of success, but the risk of terror attack still exists" police said in New York, told ABC on Monday (08/01/2011) ago
"We are concerned, the current running time and close 9 September 2011 which is a 10 year tragedy of 9/11, Osama previously called the 9/11/11 sebayak twice" he added. Just to note, based on the results ambush bin Laden's headquarters in Abbottabad, Pakistan, found secret documents Osama. One is the attack on the 10th anniversary of tragedy 9/11 Level of U.S. concern is increasing after they remember a planned attack. Al-Qaeda militants were planning to avenge the deaths of its leaders Osama bin Laden. The document contains a conversation between bin Ladenwith his accomplice who was Al Qaeda's operations chief Abd al-Rahman Attiyah at the headquarters of Osama. Besides New York, Osama also intend to attack other U.S. cities namely, Los Angeles. Osama is rumored to be an attack on the U.S. anniversary which falls on July 04.. But the news just a hoax
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